Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Monday, 11 January 2016

Oxus *Suspended*

Had a really pleasant family Christmas, but then today the grim reality has returned to my thoughts, the fact that I really have lost every penny of my investments in OXS and PRG, all in a 24 hour period!
Bollocks to AIM, I'm finished with it.
But don't worry brokers, there'll be another mug along to replace me any moment.

Waved goodbye to £86k. It was always a remote possibility. This is AIM after all.

Well AIM has royally shafted me in December.
Both my 2nd and 3rd largest holdings (30% of my portfolio) wiped out.
PRG will return 0p, and just today OXS which I have held and accumulated for 5 years was suspended as they 100% lost a long running arbitration.
They will return 0p too.

My largest holding, GVC, is set to move to a main listing in Feb. Following that, I will never, EVER, hold an AIM share again. It's been disastrous.

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