Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Thursday, 20 January 2022

ODX - "Could not sell one test in a 1 in 100 year Global Pandemic"


CaptainSwag From

Price: 13.875

RE: C***** K*** Wed 18:27

"Did he leave because there is no near term Good news coming ? Or has he left the Good news for incoming guy to start with ?"

I suspect c***** did not have a clue of what was going on in his factory let alone when he is going to get an approval. my suspicion is that the board looked at the SP and realised that it was either him or the whole bunch. C***** was called in , mumbled something unintelligible about not wanting to be a scapegoat and then said clear out your desk - BJ is waiting for you in the car park. last we will ever see or hear of him i hope.



Price: 13.875

RE: "There is NO short term need to raise capital"Wed 20:09

"Wrong, millions who want to travel especially on cruise ships"

Desperation. Name 1 cruise company ODX has partnered with..........

Forgive the pun, but ODX and all its clowns onboard have missed the boat on every single opportunity. Every major company who needs a LFT has a partner already in place with an approved product. ODX has 1 contract with DAM and that will go nowhere near to stopping ODX losing money hand over fist.

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