Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Monday, 13 July 2020

KOOV - Delisted

Kong1 Premium Member

Hi Pthc

Not sure Putney lad would want to liase with me considering I was critical of his thoughts, which proved right in the end but I still lost £13k

Not herd of forsure but the last time I logged on was a few months ago and they were going to the city police I think.

At the end of the day, it seems what Koovs did was legal, but whether they mislead any shareholders is something different.

I remember a RNS saying they had 3 months money left in November. I’d made my mind up I was going to sell just before Xmas if no news, but as we all know, Koovs did the dirty only a few weeks after their RNS.

To me that was wrong and I’ve lost my money because they did something different to their RNS, which is misleading to me !!

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