Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Rolls Royce - needs to raise £3bn to shore up finances

 SimonGn6 Oct '20 - 23:21 - 5551 of 5556

I've got some serious thinking to do in the next couple of weeks . . . my pension is in RR. not a company pension but a SIPP I have invested myself and is currently in RR.

Taking the options would cost me £18k and I would have to put that into my SIPP to take the options, it would then be locked in so borrowing the money is not an option and I don't have £18k let alone £18k to add to my SIPP.

Hindsight is easy . . . I am where I am sitting on a paper loss of £92k

I need to see if trading my Rights is possible from my SIPP, somehow I doubt it, if not I will need to get out and take my loss, at the most opportune time that I can find.

Monday, 13 July 2020

KOOV - Delisted

Kong1 Premium Member

Hi Pthc

Not sure Putney lad would want to liase with me considering I was critical of his thoughts, which proved right in the end but I still lost £13k

Not herd of forsure but the last time I logged on was a few months ago and they were going to the city police I think.

At the end of the day, it seems what Koovs did was legal, but whether they mislead any shareholders is something different.

I remember a RNS saying they had 3 months money left in November. I’d made my mind up I was going to sell just before Xmas if no news, but as we all know, Koovs did the dirty only a few weeks after their RNS.

To me that was wrong and I’ve lost my money because they did something different to their RNS, which is misleading to me !!

Tuesday, 14 January 2020

SXX - Sirius Minerals (Pending Take Over)

kenmitch 8 Jan '20 - 18:10 - 46524
It’s very sad for the many locals who were persuaded to invest far more than they could afford to lose, but many are blaming the wrong people. It’s not ********* who should be taking all the stick. He tried so hard to deliver what will still be a superb project for the area, and that project is now well advanced. His mistake was in the way he expected to be able to finance it. That’s what went so wrong, and shareholders have paid the price.

But most of the blame should go to brokers who got it so wrong (e.g Shore and their 82p price target)and columns like Midas in Mail on Sunday. People who know so little about investing will have trusted these people and assumed they were more clued up than they were. Unfortunately some setting broker price targets are incompetent as are those who hyped the share price here.

who banned posters he disagreed with is a classic idiot example. ADVFN has far too many posters like him.

The FACTS were always clear. A very ambitious and very expensive project and with NO revenues and NO profits for many years. It’s sales and cash flow and profits that do the trick for the shares we invest in. Those basics did not apply to Sirius, so it should have been pointed out to inexperienced investors that Sirius was only worth a small investment.

There WERE very good profits available when the share soared far too high. IF ONLY IF ONLY locals had had that pointed out, instead of brokers and other commentators and clueless posters here persuading them the Sirius share price would go higher still.

It’s such a shame that so many have been so badly misled.

Posts: 2
Price: 5.34
RE: General consensusThu 15:47
Is there next to 0% chance that the price will return to the 20p on average I paid for my shares? Currently on a L of £5k... finding it difficult to keep up with everything going on.

Posts: 730
Price: 5.415
RE: The slow drift down from the 'potential' offer price has begun.Thu 13:33
I have sold today n lost 85grand not trying to influence anyone it's your choice but now it's a case of do I risk waiting for a penny or two more or a penny or two less per share I lost roughly 85% my whole pension pot nearly took 40 years to save there were the chance the lot would go so sold get a couple of hols out of remainder pay a few bills then see what benefits I can claim.

Posts: 730
Price: 5.48
RE: I'm out.Thu 12:33
Sold this morning 5 years wasted and 85grand lost,have to pass the money pit on a regular basis makes me feel sick now hope c.f. has smile on his face.

Posts: 730
Price: 5.50
RE: TwitterThu 10:15
Sellers same boat mate wife bad with rheumatoid asked her what she thought.told me to sell the lot have done just now lost 85grand no way to recoup am retired fell for the cf ramping circus,think it is out of order tho to threaten we may get less if we don't sell prob the only thing he truthful about over last 18 months,still feel theres something dodgy here but what other options do we have well and truly led up the garden path n shafted up the back end.

Posts: 6
Price: 5.43
Re SiriusThu 13:22
Apologies if I've missed something in the earlier threads, but does any buyout need to be approved by a certain % of shareholders or do they have enough of a majority to do this without us? Has it definitely been confirmed that shareholders will be bought out and not given any shares? Where were the investors on the conference call, questions asked seemed to be from "family and friends"

30k invested and currently looking at a 20k loss, but hoping a

Posts: 203
Price: 5.33
RE: I'm out.Thu 13:57
Just sold close to 1.7 million shares , took a hit of approx 32k , my last buy at 2.93 of 650k helped to nurse the loss by 17k or else it would have been close to 50k . Need a breather before I try to recoup my loss

Posts: 1,195
Price: 5.51
I'm out.Thu 12:23
I have decided not to wait any longer as I have concluded in my head that even if this does get a higher offer,...say 6.5p it may add what? Another £900 to what I can get now? What's the point and what's the point too in waiting and watching this possibly go to the wall? This whole thing is a mess.....far, far, far from what I ever thought it could be. My money is going under my bed, away from any of those money men who will keep on stealing the dreams away from the small man. It was my dream to make just enough to pay my house off earlier, so I didn't have to keep battering my body into old age working so physically for a living. I don't think that's being too greedy. I've lost £7000, less in value than when I lost my mother and alot less than some of you here. Anyway, I wish everyone well, a good life and health and good luck if you continue to invest. It's been emotional ; )

Posts: 3,163
Price: 5.505
SharesThu 11:49
The BOD have never been forward at keeping us up to date I.e news on shaft depth and progress and again we are being kept in the dark and presented with a take it or leave it offer of 5.5p this on a mine that has already had £1.5 billion invested on it now for sale for £385 million bargain of the centuary .
Special offer price 20p followed not so long ago with a very special offer of 15p we have been Truley put away .
The BOD have not fully explained the situation is this the only offer ? Are there any other parties interested ? So much for CF stating share holder values were at the core of his values so I am pleased my £55,000 loss has helped AA to a bargain nice work Chris and thanks for keeping all the Investors in the loop !!!

Posts: 4
Price: 5.50
Recent eventsThu 09:52
I've been here since April last year and have a 50% loss on £43k invested. My choice my fault.
Sad to see where we are. I've sold half and now pure gambling the other in hope of a better offer. Sad also that its looking like this chatrooms days are numbered. So just incase we all disappear can I just say thanks to all genuine contributors for the last 9 months Fred, Chesh, Myo to name but a few. You've been a constant source of advice (for and against) and the time you and others have logged has been huge.
Good luck to everyone left manning their foxhole lets hope there are some random late bids !
All the best fellow Sirius loons

Posts: 1,139
Price: 5.50
AIM for you !Thu 09:28
Had a very small holding here and came out with £17 profit (3 beers then ). Sorry for those who will lose loads. Got my portfolio back to a very healthy amount ( FTSE 100 stock mainly) but I was one of those unfortunate one that lost a shed load ( circa £50K ) in XCITE Energy. Although I dabble with a couple of AIM listed companies ( MATD) I now tend to play it a lot more safely. Good Luck to you all .

Posts: 314
Price: 5.51
RE: Sold outThu 08:46
Just sold the last of my shares, total loss in Sirius is now about £16,000, I have been buying and selling them for a couple of years . I will never invest in an AIM company ever again, Lloyds Bank is my main holding now, at least they pay decent dividends and the PPI fiasco is just about over.

Posts: 1,367
Price: 5.55
RE: ?Thu 08:04
Compass, I thought you sold yesterday?

I plan on selling mine today now, 10k loss which I'm happier with than if I had sold at 3.5p then I am done with the casino other than BMN

FLYB - Flyb shares cancelled

europa7931 Jul '19 - 23:30 - 10866 of 10873
Well, not being in the best of health myself, would it be too much to ask for my 76k 'investment' in FLYB back because that 'stuff' sure meant a lot to me!! Also, it would definitely make a 'positive difference' to me. Thanks so much.