Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

AFPO - delisted from AIM exchange

Total tragedy what has happened here. My 24K is worth 2K; not worth pulling out. Only thing left to do is hope that this farce see's some progress and that the company can get out the current state it's in. Who knows, it may repair it's self in time if CC gets the jail and gain a new listing on the Aim market. Highly doubtful but one can hope. GLA


 The guy shafted us innocent share holders. I lost soo much here and been on anti depressants for past few months. Is there anything we can do?. Can we take action to send him to prison for fraud?


Is busy in all his 10 jobs so has no time for afpo that's clear enough here. £50 k Down the toilet fur me what a rip off


Bye bye AFPO which should be AFPOS ( a f***ing piece of S***)
CC should be CaC ( clearly a C***)

Pardon the french but that loser cost me a few hard £K


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