Huge Stock Market Losses

Can we learn from others mistakes?

Bulletin Board Market chatter;

Monday, 17 November 2008

5. Coffee Republic *Delisted*

JAF1948 - 17 Nov'08 - 19:01 - 6429 of 6441

It is NOT life and death - at worst it is a job or some money. I am currently losing over £50K on Coffee Republic, a very large percentage of my total wealth (a far too large a percentage it would be fair to say), but you don't hear me blaming anyone.

Please don't give any of us a lecture on ethics and morals. I was brought up to believe that people have a right to defend themselves. The management of Coffee Republic cannot post on this board to refute any of the claims on here, valid or otherwise. That is why we have courts of law. As I and many other people have said, if you, or maxi or crdirect or any or all of you have a valid case, then put it before a jury of your peers. Don't claim to have the moral high ground when only one side of the story is being presented.

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