Huge Stock Market Losses
Can we learn from others mistakes?
Bulletin Board Market chatter;
Bulletin Board Market chatter;
Thursday, 25 July 2013
25 Jul'13 - 07:18 - 8240 of 8369 0 0
25 Jul'13 - 07:41 - 8255 of 8369 0 0
I'm down £26k on this lemon it's a tough lesson but you've got to take it.
There where plenty of opportunities to get out so if you are still holding you only have yourself to blame.
To be fair 12,000 boys and girls have still got jobs (for now) so that's got to be a positive.
25 Jul'13 - 08:02 - 8258 of 8369 0 0
Well this is my first post on here. Been doing shares for a very long time but never seem to get it right. Aim shares are just like a casino where genuine investors have very little chance of making money. From what i can see there is far too much in the way of underhandedness from so called people in the know and indeed from people that run companies such as Hibu and the market. What a complete joke Hibu has turned out to be.
I know it was high risk and yes I should have know better than to invest in such a poorly run company. All the mis-information and lies given by Pocock et al should have made me not want to touch this pile of rubbish with a barge pole. There was mention of microsoft having an interest and such. All of the so called plus points seem be have been lies by these bunch of crooks.
The one reason why i stuck with this is the one comment by the management that suggested shareholders interest will be considered or words to that effect. Hindsight obviously comes to mind.
Of course the people at the top will be's always the way. I just hope there is a bit of karma whereby these people that have screwed us over get their comeuppance.
It would seem aim shares are for the very lucky or very brave. I think most people lose in the end with aim and that includes me. I'm left with a loss of about £4k this time round and i'm sure other investors have lost more.
I never did join the HSG group as i was not sure it would have any real effect. Unfortunately this seems to be the case.
I hope to live another day. Maybe will have more chance swimming in shark infested waters than investing in aim.......
25 Jul'13 - 15:03 - 8329 of 8369 0 0
What a complete idiot, who will probably not learn from his naive mistakes. Let's break it down and translate:
Dear Mr Pocock
I have been a shareholder in Yell / Hibu since March 2009. I always believed in the potential of the company and still believe it will thrive.
Hence, over the 4 years I have accumulated over 13million shares, this represents my life savings! I have not sold any shares even when reached the peak of 88p in 2009, as I could see the potential.
[So you didn't take any profits off the table whatsoever when you clearly would have been in profit as you thought it would just keep going up. First mistake, greed.]
I know these are just shares and shouldn't invest more than one can loose, but I truly trusted you and that you would turn this company around.
[Why did you trust him. Because you had a vested interest when he took over and you were wearing rose tinted glasses, that is why. It was easier to "trust" him and hope for the best than to cut your losses.]
Your announcement today of complete wipe out for shareholders was completely devastating news for me and my family! I don't know how I will face my wife and children now to tell them their future money has been all lost!
[Why was it devastating news for you? If you had been bothered to read all the announcements from a company where all your life savings were invested you may have realised that you were being warned repeatedly that the shares will have little or no value"]
I was expecting the restructure to reduce current shareholders share, for which I was happy as I would still be part of Hibu going forward. I was not expecting you to negotiate a deal that would result in complete wipe-out of current shareholders (While I note the directors keep their jobs!). [You were warned that no value could be the case] I am sure there could have been some win- win compromise situation. Even if just 5% of the company was left or just 1-2p payout for current shareholders, that would have been at least something! That would not have been a big deal for the Co-Com to compromise on, but it seems the people that have, just get greedier. I don't know how the Board or Co-Com can sleep at night knowing you have ruined peoples lives and future! [Don't blame others. You bought them, you presumably read the warnings and you chose not to sell.]
Thank you.
Monday, 8 April 2013
seize the day is sad
3 Feb'13 - 09:28 - 5798 of 6574
Too late, thanks for the obvious tip, anybody knows that, only an idiot can ignory. I did. Im pennyless. Modt of my hibu gamble is on a cred card and th rest was all my savings . Im left with 11k debt. Fck
3 Feb'13 - 11:02 - 5799 of 6574
Dont panic captain hope it finishes better than Minus 11k
seize the day is sad
3 Feb'13 - 23:28 - 5800 of 6574
i hope so but i have lost faith (faith=98% of my money)
3 Feb'13 - 23:34 - 5801 of 6574
News due real soon... hope existing shareholders get something out of this restructuring...
4 Feb'13 - 09:26 - 5802 of 6574
Too damn quiet for anything to happen just yet !!!! we will see an uplift when the deal gets close ............. GLA
4 Feb'13 - 09:34 - 5803 of 6574
or a downdrift
seize the day is sad
4 Feb'13 - 12:28 - 5804 of 6574
or a shaft
4 Feb'13 - 12:41 - 5805 of 6574
3 Feb'13 - 23:34 - 5801 of 5804 0 0
News due real soon... hope existing shareholders get something out of this restructuring...
I bet a lot of these shares are held by hedge funds ready for the restructure
win win for them
win on deal for debt ie) get back more than they paid for it in the first place
win on the bounce in the sp as they bought the shares back at 0.2- 0.4 after shorting from much higher prices
Just wait and see but i think little or no value means more than 0.33p
I would guess at 1p plus which is still less than 5% of the company
Headline = massive dilution wipeout for the ordinary shareholder
But a shareholder paying 0.33p
Maybe a good punt??
We shall see
all imo no advice intended
4 Feb'13 - 13:55 - 5806 of 6574
Still no news, I am guessing that whatever is going to happen will be on 12th of Feb 2013 when we get the third quarter results.
5 Feb'13 - 13:00 - 5807 of 6574
STD, you not alone with your losses, there are are big losses for members on the 3i bb also just like you and me, I have removed the poster names;
12:24 Re: Passing the time 2
lets hope we are left with some "little value"...
11:04 Re: Passing the time
just over 4 million ..2.3p average....nice work
Not really; bear in mind I initially got in over 18 months ago and was sat on a 35k loss. Shorting it come results day saw me break even last year
Left it alone at 7p and came back sub 1p; having promised myself I would not touch this nutty share again
Broke my promise. Bought 6mill at 0.72p then the following day "no value" etc etc!
SO a further 6mill at 0.29 and 0.3. Giving a grand total of just over 12mill at 0.464
I am down (again) ,showing a current loss of just over 19k.
I pity the fool....
10:54 Re: Passing the time 2
just over 4 million ..2.3p average....nice work !!
10:39 Re: Passing the time 2
Well I hold 2,516,867 with a break even of 4p gawd help me
10:39 Re: Passing the time 2
b/e 0.46p
10:30 HoldPassing the time 2
At least the last posting generated something to pass the time away. My observation is that the holding PIs have a considerable share holding and are generally miffed with the treatment from the Hibu BOD, (especially Johnny!!) and in particular the Investor Relations "hotline".
So what pressure can we bring to bear, what about a quick trawl of the shares held? Taking out the 3 biggest share holders, FIL, Standard and Invesco there are around 2041.2M shares in the market.
I hold 1.4M, my B/E is now 8.5p, averaged down a bit, thanks Ace,etc...; I know I am daft!
Whats the number of shares on this BB??
10:14 Re: Patience
Don't worry won't belong before news
The Group can confirm that the options being considered are likely to result in little or no value being attributed to the Group's ordinary shares.
10:13 Re: Patience
Boy o boy patience. Yes well all the longtermers here will know about patience. No one has a clue as to what is going to happen here. Maybe the BOD or the CoCom do, but we don't. I am heartened by the fact that there are still ii holding here. I have the equivalent of second hand SMART brabus left in here, something that I am quite prepared to leave and gamble with. I may even get my Ferrari California back. who knows. wait wait wait.
I have been tempted to put the cost of a new exhaust system in here for the SMART and maybe some new tyres. But my head is telling me no.
10:04 Patience
This share has truly taught me the meaning of patience. How long has it been and we haven't even had an update to at least say "we haven't forgotten about you"
09:52 Re: No warning reg Q3 results
If revenues are stabalised and future growth is expected then I think creditors might tell the company keep the business as usual and forget about restructuring. As we all know board is initiating this restrcuturing of debt not the lenders.
There hasn't been any profit warning or optimistic trading statement which really suggesst that revenues must have been stablised and the expectation is for growth because of hopefull futuristic expectation of economy in general.
09:23 Re: Re| Passing the time
I am also left with 4m shares. Unfortunately even after averaging down my B/E is just over 6p. I am sure there are others in a worst position but we will just have to wait and see - not long now hopefully.
08:48 Re: Re| Passing the time
I'm grateful I haven't lost that kind of money, and all I can do is wish you all the best and hope you are greatly rewarded for your sweat and dedication.
I'm comfortable to be averaging at under a penny, so my losses can't even be compared to yours.
I'm going to average down further to .4p or .5p if it stays this low.
08:32 Re: Re| Passing the time
Your brave man. 300K loss and still buying. Fortune favours the brave.
I stopped buying last year when my losses hit 150k. All is left is 4 million shares. Disaster!
08:17 BuyRe: Passing the time
"I doubt that is all in though, only I could be so foolish"
Or smart, depending on what the result is
Mon 20:18 Re: Re| Passing the time
glad you are still here and have not thrown the towel in. I still opine that shareholders will emerge unscathed and your current loss will abate in record time. I too am sitting on a 300k loss and am still buying. So sorry to hear of your marriage breakdown and hope it was not as a result of this investment, I sincerely hope you can find a fulfilling relationship. When this comes good, and it will, then any resulting affects may go some way to the personal pain and suffering you have had to endure.
Mon 13:01 Re: Passing the time
I wrote to the Investor Relations line months ago to ask who was representing the shareholder interests in the bank restructuring negotiations, but I received no response. I assume that there is no one representing us, in particular since the management team waived their share options last year in place of cash incentives dependent upon future performance. Since we as shareholders were not a party to this agreement nor were we consulted on it, I am wondering with whom this agreement was made. The compensation committee perhaps (if there is one).
I run a private equity fund and when such negotiations with the banks take place, we actively represent the shareholders' interests in a tri-party negotiation. In the case of a Publically quoted company without activist shareholders, management generally look after themselves and the employees first and have no incentive to fight for the shareholders unless they themselves hold a meaningful stake. This is not the case at HiBu. Accordingly, I would not hold my breath expecting any shareholder value going forward. Since I am down more than GBP 630k, I am not bothering to sell now - just in case a miracle happens. We can consider legal action later once we know the outcome of the structuring talks.
seize the day is sad
5 Feb'13 - 16:24 - 5808 of 6574
fck, my god waht figures!
i hear the word patience. nothing to do with it. I am extremely impatient by nature but not selling 22k£ worth of investment that now has a value of 1000 quid is just being sensible not patient, I find it th emost obvious thing to do and I don't feel any urge to sell at all. To consolidate a loss of 21K?? How silly. Losing all will make now hardly any difference.
I still hope, but I would not dream of averaging down, even is my b/e is 5.5p.
freddie ferret
5 Feb'13 - 17:21 - 5809 of 6574
I feel sorry for people that bought TOO high.
5 Feb'13 - 20:52 - 5810 of 6574
by the looks of it, it does not matter if you bought high or low, I have put 9k in this and I will lose it all, same thing I lost another 9k on stupid HMV
Tuesday, 15 January 2013
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